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May 7, 2020
1:00 PM (Eastern)

Unrig Roundtable: The #YouthVote in a Climate of Emergencies

Organizer: RepresentUs

Millions of Americans have had their lives turned upside down by the coronavirus crisis. And for young people, the current crisis is far from their first. Young Americans have grown up under the existential threat of an impending climate catastrophe. They are entering adulthood in the midst of a global pandemic. And they have never lived in a country with a functioning government.

None of the crises facing this generation will be solved until we unrig our political system. But here's the good news: the next generation of young leaders from the right and the left is eager to take up that fight. IWe'll dive into the connection between coronavirus, climate change, and corruption with leading youth activists and learn how the largest voting bloc in American history is working to defend democracy, climate, and public health.


  • Benji Backer, President & Founder of the leading conservative climate change organization American Conservation Coalition
  • Jamie Margolin, Co-Founder of the youth-led Zero Hour climate change organization
  • Alexia Lewis, the Digital Communications Associate & Social Media Influencer Program Administrator of NextGenAmerica
  • Renaldo Pearson, RepresentUs's Director of External Affairs
Location: Livestream