Organizer: Transformative Justice Coalition and North Carolina NAACP
The Transformative Justice Coalition, in partnership with the North Carolina NAACP, is hosting a non-partisan interactive virtual Gen Z and Millennial Votes Matter Training event. This effort will prepare 50 persons, 18-35 years old, from North Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi, to serve as Voting Rights Ambassadors to directly serve vulnerable communities and voters by enhancing their ability to participate in the 2020 Presidential Elections. This Training will use a proven and successful specially designed "Train the Trainer" Voting Rights Immersion Program which will teach fundamentals of voting rights and develop skills for conducting voter registration, voter education, voter assistance for obtaining IDs, voter mobilization, voter turnout and voter protection. This Virtual Gen Z and Millennial Votes Matter Training will enhance the leadership skills of talented students and young community leaders to work in coalition with voting rights and civic participation organizations to register thousands of voters, conduct voter education forums, teach voters to navigate barriers to voting, assist in obtaining voter IDs, help voters to the polls, and protect voters who encounter problems voting.
All participants will receive a $50 per day stipend for attending and completing the work plan. There will also be assigned homework prior to the event. You must attend all 3 days, 3 hours each day with an optional certificate ceremony on August 6, and complete all assignments.
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Location: Virtual