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April 20, 2020
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Eastern)

Marshalling Resources for Voting

Organizer:Bipartisan Policy Center

America's election officials are scrambling to administer upcoming elections during an unprecedented pandemic. Federal assistance is desperately needed to adjust to new realities on the ground. Congress has appropriated $400 million through the CARES Act for emergency election security grants, a critical infusion of cash for election administrators. Will states and local administrators receive the funds in time to use them this fall? How will states use this funding? Will it be enough for elections to administered safely and legitimately? States have various needs spanning from security upgrades to procuring envelopes in anticipation of an influx in mail voting.

Join Bipartisan Policy Center Elections Project Director Matthew Weil as he leads a panel discussion about how the U.S. Election Assistance Commission is working with state and local officials to distribute federal funds and provide key resources to protect America's voters and voting systems. Weil will be joined by two EAC Commissioners as well as state and local election administrators.

Location: Webinar