From The Fulcrum’s co-publisher, Debilyn Molineaux.
Happy New Year! As we kick off 2023, there is so much going on. I’m nostalgic about the “old times” when winter was slower and there were resting points between campaigns. Or at least, it seemed that way when I wasn’t as plugged into the daily grind of politics.
The media seems to be focused on the classified documents found in two locations connected to President Biden. The comparisons are inevitable, with talking points, charts and of course, blame.
My mind steered in a different direction, and we’d like your take on it. Moving is such a chaotic process – and many hands are required to pack up. I imagined aides and assistants throwing papers in boxes, not knowing the contents. Or being directed to do so.
How might we provide a more secure process for documents marked classified, such that when administrations leave, they don’t accidentally or on purpose, take classified information with them?
This scenario causes me to wonder how many classified documents have left with the former office holder in the past? More than we are comfortable with, I’m sure.
Please feel free to Email your responses to The Fulcrum. Responses received by Thursday, January 19th at Noon ET will be considered for publication this Friday.