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Polarization yields a celebration of civil society’s behavioral baseline

Polarization yields a celebration of civil society’s behavioral baseline

Tuesday is the first-ever National Decency Day. Congress, where political polarization means basic decency sometimes seems in very short supply, plans to formally take notice. Local governments in half the states have already done so.

The burst of activity is the handiwork of a New York graphic designer, Lisa Cholnoky. She began a campaign to elevate "the basic standard of civility that every American deserves" two years ago, with the distribution of several thousand strikingly simple, old-fashioned lapel buttons proclaiming a disarming conversation starter: "decency." Last fall she launched an ad hoc civic engagement bid to persuade high schools and colleges to petition city councils or school boards to proclaim May 14 as a Day of Decency – which has so far happened in 28 communities in 25 states.

She then registered with the National Day Calendar, which permits nonprofit groups and businesses to lay perpetual claim to an honorific sliver of what's become an overstuffed annual almanac. (Tuesday is also Buttermilk Biscuit Day and Underground America Day.)

And Cholnoky has arranged for a bipartisan series of endorsements on the floor of the House for what she terms "a moment in the midst of the polarized atmosphere in which we find ourselves for all people to reclaim the tradition, practices and skills for civil discussion of our differences of opinion."

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"During my time on the campaign trail last year I was inspired by the number of doors I knocked and how many residents asked for one thing: decency," freshman Democratic Rep. Madeleine Dean of suburban Philadelphia said.

"As Americans, we cherish our freedom to dissent, but we must always bear in mind that these debates should be productive and substantive," said GOP Rep. Lee Zeldin of Long Island, Cholnoky's congressman.

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Blurred image of an orchestra
Melpomenem/Getty Images

The ideal democracy: An orchestra in harmony

Frazier is an assistant professor at the Crump College of Law at St. Thomas University. Starting this summer, he will serve as a Tarbell fellow.

In the symphony of our democracy, we can find a compelling analogy with an orchestra. The interplay of musicians trained in different instruments, each contributing to the grand musical tapestry, offers lessons for our democratic system. As we navigate the complexities of governance, let us draw inspiration from the orchestra's structure, dynamics and philosophy.

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Fannie Lou Hamer

Fannie Lou Hamer testifies at the Democratic National Convention in 1964.

Bettmann/Getty Images

60 years later, it's time to restart the Freedom Summer

Johnson is a United Methodist pastor, the author of "Holding Up Your Corner: Talking About Race in Your Community" and program director for the Bridge Alliance, which houses The Fulcrum.

Sixty years have passed since Freedom Summer, that pivotal season of 1964 when hundreds of young activists descended upon an unforgiving landscape, driven by a fierce determination to shatter the chains of racial oppression. As our nation teeters on the precipice of another transformative moment, the echoes of that fateful summer reverberate across the years, reminding us that freedom remains an unfinished work.

At the heart of this struggle stood Fannie Lou Hamer, a sharecropper's daughter whose voice thundered like a prophet's in the wilderness, signaling injustice. Her story is one of unyielding defiance, of a spirit that the brutal lash of bigotry could not break. When Hamer testified before the Democratic National Convention in 1964, her words, laced with the pain of beatings and the fire of righteous indignation, laid bare the festering wound of racial terror that had long plagued our nation. Her resilience in the face of such adversity is a testament to the power of the human spirit.

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Kamala Harris waiving as she exits an airplane

If President Joe Biden steps aside and endorses Vice President Kamala Harris, her position could be strengthened by a ranked-choice vote among convention delegates.

Anadolu/Getty Images

How best to prepare for a brokered convention

Richie is co-founder and senior advisor of FairVote.

As the political world hangs on whether Joe Biden continues his presidential campaign, an obvious question is how the Democratic Party might pick a new nominee. Its options are limited, given the primary season is long past and the Aug. 19 convention is only weeks away. But they are worth getting right for this year and future presidential cycles.

Suppose Biden endorses Vice President Kamala Harris and asks his delegates to follow his lead. She’s vetted, has close relationships across the party, and could inherit the Biden-Harris campaign and its cash reserves without a hitch. As Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) suggested, however, Harris would benefit from a mini-primary among delegates before the convention – either concluding at the virtual roll call that is already planned or at the in-person convention.

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Rep. Don Davis and Sen. Marco Rubio

Rep. Don Davis and Sen. Marco Rubio won the Congressional Management Foundation's Democracy Award for Innovation and Modernization.

Finding innovators in an unlikely place: Congress

Fitch is the president and CEO of the Congressional Management Foundation and a former congressional staffer.

One of the last places you’d expect to see innovation in the workplace is in the halls of Congress. One lawmaker described the institution this way: Congress is “a 19th century institution often using 20th century technology to solve 21st century problems.” That is one of the reasons the Congressional Management Foundation sought to create competition among members of Congress with a Democracy Award for Innovation and Modernization.

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