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Ask Rich: An ex-Trump supporter and MAGA activist answers your questions

Ripped MAGA sign
Pat Greenhouse/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Logis, a former member of the Republican Party and conservative pundit, is the founder of Perfect Our Union, an organization dedicated to healing political traumatization and building diverse, pro-democracy alliances. This is the first in a series of articles titled “Ask Rich.”

I left MAGA in the summer of 2022. As we get to know each other, I'll get into more specifics as to why I left. Yes, I did agree with some of former President Donald Trump's policies; and, I assure you, most Trump voters are good, decent people who had some valid reasons for supporting him. However, I feel I was led astray, but accept full responsibility for my decisions.

When my doubts about supporting Trump and the MAGA movement commenced in summer 2021, I began diversifying my news, opinion and information sources; this dramatically bettered my understanding of the nuances of complex political, cultural and social issues.

With that in mind, here’s what readers can expect from "Ask Rich":

  • Candid answers, with minimal partisanship. I'm registered to vote, but with no party.
  • Thoughtful and challenging content, drawing upon my experiences and political maturation, that will hopefully stand out amongst other political punditry you may be regularly consuming.

I want “Ask Rich" to engage both those who oppose MAGA and Trump as well as those who offer support. It is this type of dialogue — with those of strongly divergent views, respectively exchanging ideas — that will result in perfecting our Union and democracy.

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“Ask Rich” will allow citizens with varying views to express their opinions, share experiences and learn from each other. By doing so, We the People (myself included) will come to understand that, despite our differences, we all love our country and that we agree more than we disagree. Acknowledging this will make us more invested in our democratic (lowercase d), republican (lowercase r) self-government.

Dating back to the earliest years of our republic, unlikely but necessary alliances were formed when unity was non-negotiable. It is time for us to, again, forge those alliances.

The history of our nation has often been accompanied by struggle. But we have endured nearly a quarter of a millenium, during which time other democracies collapsed. With the help of good Americans from all sides of the political spectrum, we can meet today’s challenge.

You, the readers, deserve solutions that rise above the usual tribalistic frays. Each week, I’ll ask you to offer thoughts on a few questions. I’m excited to get started, and certain to be humbled by all the lovers of the country I’ll meet.

I’ll conclude with quote from Thomas Jefferson:

“... difference of opinion leads to enquiry, and enquiry to truth.”

That is my goal.

Have a question for Rich? Send an email to

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