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Voting machine maker drops paperless option. Will Congress do likewise?

Voting machine maker drops paperless option. Will Congress do likewise?

Electronic machines became popular after the mess with paper ballots in 2000. Four years later, voters in Florida used these machines.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The company describing itself as the nation's biggest provider of election equipment says it's not going to sell any more paperless voting systems.

It's a symbolically important step in the drive to secure the 2020 election against fraud and foreign hacking. But the company, Election Systems & Software, wants Congress to take even more important steps: mandate paper-trail balloting nationwide and set higher security standards for all machines used in federal elections.

In an opinion piece in Roll Call on Tuesday, CEO Tom Burt urged lawmakers to "pass legislation establishing a more robust testing program—one that mandates that all voting-machine suppliers submit their systems to stronger, programmatic security testing conducted by vetted and approved researchers."

The odds of that happening appear very slim. Several bills to boost election security are being pushed by Democrats, and some are being promoted by Republicans, too. But any that get through the Democratic House look to be blocked by GOP Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in the Senate.

That is in part because he opposes more federal control over elections, which in the main are the province of state and local officials, and in part because President Trump despises any effort to suggest that Russian interference tainted his election.

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Electronic voting machines that don't generate any paper trail became popular after butterfly ballots and hanging chads sullied the incredibly close 2000 presidential result in Florida. Congress gave away a pit of federal money to jurisdictions willing to go paperless, turning aside warnings that the new computerized systems could be readily hacked.

Cybersecurity experts have now persuaded many places to adopt touchscreen systems with paper receipts or color-the-oval paper ballots that are read by optical scanners – then retained for use in a recount or to rebut allegations the machine count was manipulated or wrong.

One provision in a multifaceted election security bill proposed in the Senate by Republican Jim Lankford of Oklahoma and Democrat Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, a presidential candidate, would deliver millions of dollars in subsidies to the states for phasing out the remaining paperless systems. It also would compel states to conduct more frequent audits of their results.

But the bill has stalled because of the Trump administration's opposition. That has prompted Lankford to consider changes that might win the White House over, but those ideas are threatening to have Klobuchar and other Democrats walk away.

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Forks in the Road: GOP Leadership Fails Tests of Democracy

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Getty Images, Westend61

Forks in the Road: GOP Leadership Fails Tests of Democracy

“In this courtroom and under my watch, the rule of law is a bright beacon which I intend to follow,” Judge John Coughenour commented on Trump’s efforts to undo birthright citizenship.

When Trump’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) offered federal employees the ability to retire early in exchange for continued pay until September, it referred to the offer as a “fork in the road.” Employees could either take the deal or face "significant" reforms, layoffs, and an expectation that they be "loyal." Putting aside the offer’s legality, the message was clear: either take the deal or face uncertainty and possible termination.

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Getty Images, Tempura

Beyond Awareness: Addressing Domestic Violence for Perpetrators and Survivors

It is time to teach the children well.

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IRA funding for Catholic organizations’ green energy uncertain under Trump administration

solar panels

Andres Siimon/Unsplash

IRA funding for Catholic organizations’ green energy uncertain under Trump administration

Tucked away behind a Catholic organization building in northeast Washington, D.C., lies a vast solar farm soaking up the sun’s rays as energy for Catholic buildings.

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