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Can a touchdown create community?
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Can a touchdown create community?

Every year, on Super Bowl Sunday, Americans come together.

For one day, under the banner of a football game, the divisions that so often define our daily lives fade into the background. Our polling shows that three-quarters of liberals and conservatives alike plan to watch this year’s pro football championship game.

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Reducing Political Divides Must – and Can – Occur at Massive Scale

American flag, megaphone

Photo by Mikhail Nilov/

Reducing Political Divides Must – and Can – Occur at Massive Scale

Efforts to bring the country back together must collectively achieve massive scale, impacting at least 85 million Americans (and probably more). It may seem daunting, but the right efforts can plausibly achieve this goal.

These efforts include what is sometimes called “depolarization” or “bridge-building,” though initiatives must go well beyond today’s overwhelmingly conversation-based methods to achieve this scale. Structural reforms are another key element.

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Democracy in Action: January Retrospective
January calendar

Democracy in Action: January Retrospective

Welcome to the first edition of Democracy In Action, insights and discussion about some of the most talked-about topics of the previous month with Fulcrum collaborators.

Consistent with the Fulcrum's mission, this program strives to share many perspectives to widen our readers' viewpoints.

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In 2025, who has the "Big Tent" now?

A microphone in front of a crowd.

Canva Images

In 2025, who has the "Big Tent" now?

One of the core arguments I advance in this series is that as American citizens we have no hope of understanding, much less arbitrating, today’s bitter polarization without a deep appreciation of the antecedent roots from which it comes.

Further, I propose that many of the divisions we have experienced over our entire 250-year history are, in fact, derivative of the original late 18th-century schism from the nation’s founding period. As I’ve previously written, history can act as a salve for our wounds if only we would apply it.

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