In this episode of the Democracy Works podcast, the discussion focuses on why the loser’s consent is a critical part of a healthy democracy and what happens when politicians fail to abide by it.
Podcast: Sore losers are bad for democracy

In this episode of the Democracy Works podcast, the discussion focuses on why the loser’s consent is a critical part of a healthy democracy and what happens when politicians fail to abide by it.
Inflation is through the roof. Stocks are through the floor. Most economists say that a recession is likely to hit soon or is already here. Add to this the economic impact of the Ukraine invasion, an entitlements crisis with the possible bankruptcy of Medicare and Social Security trust funds in the coming years, and today's weird housing market.
In this episode, "How Do We Fix It" discusses all these, plus the tough choices now facing the Federal Reserve, political dysfunction in Washington, disruption of global supply chains, and the roots of the inflation crisis.