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Voters’ angst prevails over America’s 2024 political landscape

Voters’ angst prevails over America’s 2024 political landscape
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Steve Corbin is Professor Emeritus of Marketing, University of Northern Iowa

Here we are – one year before the Nov. 5, 2024 election – and a recent Pew Research Center poll reveals 65% of Americans say they always or often feel exhausted when thinking about politics. Fifty-five percent feel angry, let alone disgusted.

Furthermore, 63% of Americans say they are dissatisfied with the candidates who have emerged so far. Most Americans are critical of the role of money in politics and the inter- and intra-party campaign fighting that starts way too early in the election cycle.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had the same pre-election campaign starting date as Canada (11 weeks), Mexico (90 days) or France (2 weeks)? Tradition held that people seeking any office didn’t start their campaign until the year of the election. Jimmy Carter (D-GA) broke the accepted protocol when he announced his 1976 presidential candidacy on Dec. 12, 1974.

Pundits are already making predictions about the presidential, Senate and House outcome. Let’s preview their pre-election analysis.

Presidential Election

The non-partisan and independent `Road to 270’ 2024 presidential election map claims the Democratic Party has already sewed up 241 electoral college votes, needing only 29 more to reach the 270 magical number. The GOP is touted to have 235 votes in their pocket, 35 electoral votes short of winning the presidency.

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The Democrats can remain in the White House if states in just one of these six different scenarios `vote blue’: 1) Pennsylvania and Georgia, 2) Pennsylvania and Arizona, 3) Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, 4) Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, 5) Georgia, Arizona and Nevada and 6) Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada.

For the Republican Party, they only have five `vote red’ winning combinations to flip the presidency back to GOP-controlled: 1) Pennsylvania and Georgia, 2) Pennsylvania, Arizona and Wisconsin, 3) Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada, 4) Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Nevada and 5) Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin.

Registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will be inundated with the D and R presidential candidates’ time, money and respective disinformation, misinformation, propaganda, door-to-door persuasion, media saturation and political campaign energy. But, voters in the other 45 states are not off-the-hook.

Senate Election

Currently the Democrats’ Senate caucus is composed of 51 members (48 Democrats and three independents). Forty-nine members make up the GOP’s Senate. Of the 33 Senate races in 2024, 20 Democrats, ten Republicans and three independents are seeking re-election.

The independent and non-partisan Cook Political Report (CPR) feels there are three major “toss-up” elections: 1) Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema (independent), 2) Ohio’s Sherrod Brown (D) and 3) West Virginia’s Joe Manchin (D). Legal issues may endanger Bob Menendez (D-NJ) returning to D.C. for his fourth term-of-office.

Don’t be surprised by the Democrats losing control of the Senate.

House of Representatives Election

Of the 435 House elections in 2024, CPR thinks the Democrats and Republicans will each win over 200 seats, but there are 24 races classified as deadlocked.

Ten currently-controlled Democrat seats in the nail-biter category include: Colorado’s Yadira Caraveo; Michigan’s Elissa Slotkin; North Carolina’s Kathy Manning, Wiley Nickel and Jeff Jackson; New Mexico’s Gabe Vasquez; Ohio’s Emilia Sykes; Pennsylvania’s Susan Wild and Matt Cartwright; and Washington’s Marie Perez.

Fourteen Republicans are in cliff-hanger races: Arizona’s David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani; California’s John Duarte, Mike Garcia and Ken Calvert; Colorado’s Lauren Boebert; Florida’s John Rutherford; Louisiana’s Julia Letlow; New Jersey’s Thomas Kean; New York’s Anthony D’Esposito, Mike Lawler, Marcus Molinaro and Brandon Williams; and Oregon’s Lori Chavez-DeRemer.

Legal woes may affect George Santos’ (R-NY) congressional longevity. Also, Alabama’s new congressional map puts Barry Moore (R) and Jerry Carl’s (R) re-election in jeopardy.

Don’t be shocked if the Republicans lose control of the House.

If we’re already exhausted, disgusted, angry and dissatisfied, imagine how we’ll feel come Nov. 5, 2024, especially if there’s a claim of a rigged election – despite multitude of evidence otherwise -- that we’ll continue to hear about until 2028?

Voters may well be in need of a psycho-therapeutic program to regain control of their lives; check local listings for an anger management class nearby.


  1. (270 To Win news release) 2024 presidential election interactive map,, Oct. 3, 2023
  2. (Pew Research Center news release) Americans’ dismal view of the nation’s politics, Pew Research Center, Sept. 19, 2023
  3. Amy Walter, 2024 CPR Senate race ratings, The Cook Political Report, Sept. 26, 2023
  4. Amy Walter, 2024 CPR House race ratings, The Cook Political Report, Sept. 27, 2023
  5. Amy Walter, 2024 CPR Electoral College ratings, The Cook Political Report, July 27, 2023
  6. Danielle Kurtzleben, Why are U.S. elections so much longer than other countries?, National Public Radio, Oct. 21, 2015
  7. Joe Lieberman, No Labels won’t help Trump, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 13, 2023
  8. Alexander Willis and Mary Sell, Supreme Court ruling means special session on new map, potential shake-up in 2024, Alabama Daily News, June 8, 2023
  9. Fredreka Schouten, Redistricting fights in these 10 states could determine which party controls the US House, CNN Politics, Oct. 25, 2023

Disclosure: Steve is a non-paid freelance opinion editor and guest columnist contributor (circa 2013) to 172 newspapers in 32 states who receives no remuneration, funding or endorsement from any for-profit business, not-for-profit organization, political action committee or political party.

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